Photofacial is a popular skin treatment that utilizes IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology, also known as BBL (Broad Band Light). BBL is an innovative technology that sets new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. BBL energy allows us to precisely treat age, sunspots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions. The laser is tunable which means we have the ability to tailor specific treatments for each individual patient.


What is BBL Photofacial?

BBL Photofacial is a corrective phototherapy treatment that uses Broadband Light (BBL) to target signs of aging, sun damage, and other skin conditions. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it clearer, smoother, and more vibrant.

What conditions does it treat?

BBL Photofacial treats brown pigmentation such as freckles and age spots. BBL also treats vascular issues such as redness, small blood vessels, and rosacea as well as aging skin, uneven skin texture, and loss of firmness.

How does BBL Photofacial work?

The light energy delivered by BBL will precisely deliver laser energy to specific targets, gently heating the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. If brown spots are the target, BBL penetrates the skin to reach the pigment. The particles of the pigment left behind will peel or slough off within 7-14 days. If redness is the target, blood vessels in the superficial layers of the skin absorb the laser energy which causes them to close. Over the course of several weeks, the body continues to absorb the destroyed vessel remnants.

What does BBL Photofacial feel like?

Patients often describe a warm popping sensation, similar to the snap of a rubber band on your skin. You may experience some discomfort in more sensitive areas but it is tolerable to everyone.

Is there downtime associated with BBL Photofacial?

Immediately following treatment, you can expect to see redness, it may feel like a slight sunburn in the treated area. Depending on the aggressiveness of your treatment, you may have swelling for a day or two. Pigmentation will turn darker and will slough off in 7-14 days. You may have bruising with vascular treatments.

What areas of my body can be treated?

All areas of the body can be treated however you will need to be out of sunlight/tanning beds for at least 1 month prior to treatment. The fall and winter months are the most popular time for laser services.

How many treatments will I need?

This varies from person to person. Ideally, we would recommend a series of 3 spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

What aftercare do I need? What should I expect after?

We recommend a gentle cleanser and sunscreen. Avoid any abrasive scrubs for 48 hours following treatment. You may apply makeup immediately after.

You may notice a uniform redness on your skin as well as a mild sunburn feeling. This usually lasts no longer than 4-6 hours following your treatment. Cold packs or aloe vera may help with the discomfort. Ibuprofen or Tylenol may be taken to help with the discomfort as well.  Please let our office know if the discomfort lasts longer than 48 hours following your treatment. Continued or maintained improvement will require a maintenance treatment every 6-8 months. To lengthen the time between maintenance treatments it is advised to wear a sunblock of 30 SPF or higher every day and reapply as needed.

You may have some mild swelling in the treated area following your treatment. This should resolve in 24 hours. Avoid exertional activity immediately following your treatment as this may cause an increase in swelling. You will notice in the first couple of days brown spots coming to the surface of your skin. These spots resemble coffee grounds or spots of melted chocolate. This is the desired response of treatment. It is important to not pick at these spots as this may cause scarring of the skin. The spots will darken and flake off naturally within 5-7 days.

Quick warm showers are recommended. Avoid prolonged hot baths for 48 hours. Aerobic exercise or the use of saunas and hot tubs should also be avoided for 24-48 hours.

Prolonged sun exposure is to be avoided for at least 2 weeks before and after your treatment. If it is impossible to remain out of the sun during this time, a total sunblock of SPF 30 or higher, sunscreen should be applied every 2 hours while in the sun. Sun exposure may cause certain complications (possibility of blistering and/or hyperpigmentation). Makeup can be applied as long as the skin is not broken. 

Before & aFTERS

Scroll through the pictures below to see patients before and after treatment.

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