Fraxel Scar Treatment

Fraxel Restore is a 1550 wavelength used for treating lesions, lentigos, solar lentigos, actinic keratosis, melasma; as well as wrinkles, acne scars, and surgical scars.


How does the treatment work?

The Fraxel Restore is the most effective laser scar removal technique that uses a non-ablative 1550 fractional erbium laser resurfacing. The laser is placed on the scar and laser energy is passed through the skin into the scar tissue to smooth and reorganize the scar collagen into an acceptable scar.

What is laser scar removal?

Laser Scar Removal uses non-ablative fractional erbium laser treatments to decrease the size of scars, smooth scars, and to turn red raised lumpy scars into more cosmetically acceptable fine white scars. Laser scar removal treatments work by building new healthy collagen to replace excess, disorganized lumpy collagen into scars.

What to expect?

With numbing cream and the use of a cooling device, most patients rate the pain of the treatment as a 3-5 on a scale of 1-10. Most patients experience 1-2 days of swelling, 2-4 days of redness and 4-7 days of flaking. There is minimal discomfort after treatment and patients may apply cosmetics immediately. The risks of scarring or skin discoloration are extremely low as this technology is very gentle on the skin.

What does it cost to remove a scar?

Pricing depends on the size of the scar but starts at approximately $150. A free consultation is recommended to receive an exact price quote and a better estimate of how many treatments would be required.

Before & aFTERS

Scroll through the pictures below to see patients before and after treatment.

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