C02 Laser Resurfacing

Sun, skin disorders, aging, and even heredity can all contribute to skin irregularities on the face and elsewhere on the body. These include textural irregularities like wrinkles and acne scars, pigmentation changes like freckles and sunspots, or visible blood vessels.

In addition, the skin may lose tone, feel less firm, and certain areas of the body may develop cellulite conditions.

Conditions that can be treated with skin rejuvenation and resurfacing include:

  • Static Wrinkles: These wrinkles are visible at all times and do not change in appearance with facial movements
  • Dynamic Wrinkles: These are expression lines that may appear as folds when the
    skin is not moving, and deepen with facial movements or expressions
  • Pigmentation: Freckles, sun spots, or other darkened patches of skin result mainly from sun exposure
  • Scars: As the result of acne or injury to the skin, scars may be rolling (a wavy
    appearance to the skin), pitted, discolored, or have raised borders
  • Vascular Conditions: Blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin, vascular lesions
    that appear as tiny blood-filled blisters or even a constant flush of facial redness
  • Loss of Skin Tone: Weakening of the supportive skin structures (collagen and elastin fibers) that result in a loss of skin firmness or the development of cellulite


The Fraxel repair SST (CO2) is a revolutionary laser treatment designed to treat wrinkles and fine lines, address significant tone, texture, and pigmentation and refresh your appearance. It is an effective and safer, more comfortable alternative to surgical procedures.

  • Smooth skin tone
  • Diminish wrinkles
  • Soften deep frown lines
  • Improve the appearance of age spots, sun spots, or scars

Fraxel repair SST (CO2) provides a wide array of treatment options to address your unique needs and concerns. Your treatment will be a customized treatment to specifically target your problem areas; Whether they are deep in your skin layers or on the skin surface so the results are focused and effective.


Fraxel is an advanced application of traditional CO2 laser technology. Instead of treating the entire skin surface like traditional CO2, Fraxel repair targets only a fraction of the skin at a time. Old damaged skin cells are removed, stimulating your body’s own natural healing process. That means less risk, more safety, less downtime, and great results.


What is a CO2 laser treatment?

The CO2 Fractional resurfacing laser is a carbon dioxide laser that precisely removes deep outer layers of damaged skin and stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin underneath. The CO2 treats fine to moderately deep wrinkles, photodamage, scarring, skin tone, texture, crepey skin, and laxity.

How long does a CO2 laser treatment take?

The exact time depends on the area that is being treated; however, typically it takes two hours or less to complete. This timeframe includes an additional 30 minutes for topical numbing to be applied prior to treatment.

Does a C02 laser treatment hurt?

The CO2 is the most invasive laser treatment that we have. The CO2 does cause some discomfort, but we ensure that our patients are comfortable throughout the whole procedure. The sensation that is often felt is similar to a “pins and needles” sensation.

When will I begin to see results after a CO2 laser treatment?

After your skin heals, which may take up to 3 weeks, patients will experience a period of their skin appearing slightly pink. During this time, you will see improvements in skin texture and tone. Full results can be seen 3-6 months after the initial treatment, once the skin has completely healed.

How long do results from a CO2 laser last?

Improvements from a CO2 laser treatment can be seen for many years after treatment. Results can be prolonged with diligent use of SPF+, avoided sun exposure, and the correct at-home skincare maintenance.

What areas can I treat with the CO2 laser?

The CO2 can treat specialized areas, such as the eyes and around the mouth; However, the most popular area to treat with the C02 laser is the full face.

Is there any downtime associated with a CO2 laser treatment?

Yes, there is downtime associated with a CO2 laser treatment. Plan for 7-10 days for healing before you can go out in public. Your skin will scab and peel 2-7 days after treatment and will be pink for 3-4 weeks. The exact healing time varies from person to person.

How many CO2 treatments will I need?

Most patients only need one CO2 treatment to see results; However, some patients with deeper wrinkles or scarring may need multiple treatments to see results.

Are there any side effects or possible risks to a C02 laser treatment?

Like any medical procedure, there are risks associated with a C02 laser treatment. During your consultation, Dr. Huang will make an assessment to ensure that you are the right candidate for the C02 laser treatment. If you experience any worrisome side effects after treatment, please call the practice immediately.

Who is the ideal candidate for a Fraxel C02 procedure?

The ideal candidate for Fraxel® Re:pair, has UV damaged skin, pigmentation irregularities, uneven skin texture, mild wrinkles or fine lines, or scars. Fraxel® Re:pair is not recommended for individuals with dark skin tones as there is a higher risk of hypopigmentation.

Who is NOT a candidate for a C02 laser treatment?

The C02 laser may not be safe for people with certain health problems like difficulty healing, bleeding disorders, and scarring. It is not safe for patients currently taking Accutane. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not a candidate for the C02 laser. It may not be safe for darker skin types, it’s best to have a consultation with Dr. Huang to find out.

What do I do to prepare for C02 laser resurfacing and how do I take care of my skin after treatment?

(If you have a tendency for cold sores please let our office know)


6 Months Before
-No oral Retin-A or Accutane


1 Month Before

-We ask that you pre-treat your skin with an Alastin Skincare skin preparation kit. Preparing and stimulating the skin achieves the most optimal condition prior to a cosmetic procedure. Using the proper skincare prior to a cosmetic procedure creates healthier skin that supports the renewal of skin post-procedure. The regimen is as follows:



  • Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser
  • Apply Regenerating Skin Nectar
  • Apply Ultra Nourishing Moisturizer
  • Apply Broad Spectrum SPF 30+ Sunscreen or Hydratint


  • Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser
  • Apply Regenerating Skin Nectar
  • Apply Ultra Nourishing Moisturizer

-Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds

-Do not use tanning products


2 Weeks Before

-Decrease alcohol consumption

-No waxing on areas to be treated

-Avoid abrasive scrubs

-Avoid microdermabrasion and all exfoliating treatments

-No aspirin or ibuprofen (you may take Tylenol)

-No dermal filler


The Day Before

-Hydration is so important, drink plenty of water

-Pick up prescriptions from the pharmacy

          Keflex- you will take this twice a day for 7 days (start the day of procedure)

          Valtrex- (only if you have a history of cold sores) 24 hours prior to procedure, take twice per day for 7 days.         

          Xanax-(only 1 tablet) Take 1 hour prior to the procedure   

          Tramadol-(only 10 tablets) Take 1 Tablet 30 minutes prior to procedure and 1 tablet every 6 hours as needed for pain.

*Finish all medication as prescribed*


The Day Of Treatment

-You will be here approximately 1-2 hours

-Arrive without make-up

-Don’t wear contact lenses

-Wear a lower-cut, button down shirt

-You will need a driver to and from the office

-Bring a headband and/or ponytail to keep hair off your face


Immediately After Procedure

-Our staff will apply Regenerating Skin Nectar and Soothe + Protect Recovery Balm

-You may experience:

Redness and swelling





Evening of Procedure

-Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser

-Apply Regenerating Skin Nectar

-Apply Soothe + Protect Recovery Balm


Daily 2-10 Days After Procedure


-Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser

-Apply Regenerating Skin Nectar

-Apply Soothe + Protect Recovery Balm 2-3 times daily
(If going outside) Apply Broad Spectrum SPF 30+ Sunscreen or Hydratint

Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser
Apply Regenerating Skin Nectar
Apply Soothe + Protect Recovery Balm

Recommended Skincare Day 10 and Beyond
Cleanse with Gentle Cleanser
Apply Regenerating Skin Nectar
Apply Ultra Nourishing Moisturizer
(Morning Only) Apply Broad Spectrum SPF 30+ Sunscreen or Hydratint 

Important guidelines:

  • Men can shave lightly to remove whiskers as this can expedite the healing process.
    Use shaving cream and gently shave in one direction and avoid close shaving.
  • Avoid extreme facial expressions to prevent cracking and stretching the skin.
  • Keep hair off the face at all times
  • You may shower daily keeping the treated area away from the water
  • Sleep on your back
  • Avoid contact with animals
  • Cleanse hands before touching face
  • Avoid sweating (exercising)
  • Avoid scratching, picking or peeling any loose skin
  • No make-up or sunscreens are allowed during the 7-10 days of the healing process.

Schedule a consult

Not sure what treatment is right for you? Schedule a consult with our experienced staff and we will help you determine which treatment is right for you.